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Black lab mix puppy

Hello! We adopted a dog from you a week ago last Saturday at Petco in Mount Vernon. We just wanted you to know that we are grateful to the foster parents who took so much time with "Wilson". For a 10 week old puppy he is doing pleasantly well with his potty training and overall behavior! Wilson is a very good puppy! We have a 13 year old dog and two 12 year old cats, who are still trying to decide what they think, but I think they finally stopped scheming on how to get rid of this youngster, and have decided to tolerate him!!! (He is very good with cats!!) Our old dog will finally let him lay next to her, but Wilson always has to push the boundaries and touch her!! :o) Wilson loves his big yard and every little twig and leaf!!! We are enjoying Wilson immensely!! Thank you again to his foster family!!! Sherry and Kevin D

P.O. Box 1542 •  Burlington, WA 98233  •  (360) 588-5777 •  gail.andy [ at ]