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Happy New Year !!!! I adopted a cat just after Christmas last year and thought I would like to share with you how she is doing. When I picked her out, you had named her Crouton. I tried that name but could not put it with her personality. I now call her Callie and she knows when you call her name. I want to send you a couple of pictures of her, but I haven’t figured out how yet. This was her first Christmas and she was the official Christmas tree inspector, and checked that tree out from bottom to top!!! She batted the ornaments she didn’t like until they went rolling, thank goodness, I had put plastic ones on the tree this year for my 3 smaller grandchildren. She managed to redecorate the tree so well that it came down the day after Christmas!! Her other thing that she is possessed with is sinks! The minute you start the water she is there, she doesn’t drink the water but will bat at it and then when you turn the water off, she climbs into the sink and sits, or curls up. We love her and our dog RyeLee, a yorkie, loves her too. He doesn’t like cats, but I don’t think he knows she is one. They chase each other around the house and RyeLee lets her know if she is doing something wrong. When we take the dog out for a walk, Callie will sit right at the door until we come back and then goes in the kitchen with the dog, to get her treat. We give her one for sitting at the door and waiting!!! Just thought you would like to know that one of the cats you saved is a great joy to us and is considered the queen of the house while our dog is king, only because he was there first. Thanks! Denise

P.O. Box 1542 •  Burlington, WA 98233  •  (360) 588-5777 •  gail.andy [ at ]