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Spice Girl

Hi, The weekend before Christmas, my wife and I adopted Spice Girl at the Petco in Mount Vernon (Burlington). I just wanted to say thank you for doing such a wonderful job in raising her. She is an exceptionally bright, inquisitive, affectionate, and well behaved kitten (she hasn’t broken anything…yet). Just to let you know, on the same day that we adopted Spice Girl, we also stopped at NOAH and adopted a second kitten to raise with Spice Girl (so as to give Spice Girl company when we are at work). Our understanding is that Spice Girl was pretty much hand raised and bottle fed, she is very approachable, does really well with kids (none of them ours), has never bitten or used her claws on us. She has a very friendly “here I am…you should be adoring me” personality. Spice Girl is always looking for a lap to curl up on. We had never adopted an animal that was in foster care before and we wanted to let you know what a positive experience we had adopting Spice Girl from Friends for Life. Specifically: we were able to spend time with her before choosing to adopt her; we were provided with behavioral and medical information specific to her; we were given food treats and toys for her; and her microchip will be of value even if we choose not to pay an annual fee. Moreover, our vet was able to understand the health care records for Spice Girl. Thanks again for doing such a wonderful job caring for Spice Girl. She and her companion from NOAH have made a big impact on our lives. In the future, when we have friends that are looking for a new feline companion, we will recommend that they look at Friends for Life (Mount Vernon really isn’t that far from Seattle). We have learned that it initially makes a big difference when the new feline friend comes from a foster home that cares versus adopting from a shelter. Happy New Year! Robert Ruderman & Tanya Karwaki P.S. Attached is a recent photo of Spice Girl (now renamed “Kodak”) asleep at the top of the photo and her kitten companion (“Talisker”). Judging from this picture, the two kittens are on good terms…

P.O. Box 1542 •  Burlington, WA 98233  •  (360) 588-5777 •  gail.andy [ at ]