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Meer Cat

Hello everyone: I just wanted to update you all on Meer Cat aka Sarah. I've attached a couple of pictures that she let me take of her as she lounged on my lap this morning. The first night I brought her home, she was hesitant to leave her carrier but she ventured out, hunkered down underneath a side table and watched me put up my Christmas tree. I talked to her the whole time. When I was done, I sat in my easy chair, with Karen's towel in my lap. Wasn't too long before Meer jumped up into my lap and we had our first cuddle session. She was head butting me and very much enjoying my company, and I was enjoying hers. Something that evening must have spooked her...maybe the sound of the furnace coming on? It's just me in the house so I'm not real sure what did it but she retreated to the back room, my sewing room. About an hour before bed, I started looking for her and couldn't find her. I went to bed, calling out her name so where ever she was, she could hear me. But she stayed hidden all night and in the morning, I was starting to get a little worried. I finally did locate her, so I could breathe a sigh of relief that she hadn't somehow found a way outside. I had read the literature you gave me so I knew to let her be in her safe hiding spot. I petted her and talked to her, even got down on the floor on my belly...and she did venture out of her hiding spot...and head butted me, paced back and forth in my arms as I lay on the floor, at her safe level, and she purred and was happy. I brought her food and water into the sewing room, showed her where the litter box was, then left her alone. Several times during the day, I went into the sewing room and she'd found a new hiding place. I petted her and talked to her but did leave her be. I went to bed and about two hours later, I heard her venturing out of the sewing room, so I talked to her, not really knowing where in my small single wide trailer she was, but happy to hear she was venturing out to explore. It wasn't long before I saw her cute little face at my open bedroom door and, with me talking to her, she hopped up on my bed. And that was that. Total cuddles, in my face, laying on my pillow next to my head, cuddled next to me, loving the pets and kisses. She did hop down every once in awhile so I could get a little sleep but every time she came back, I let her know I was glad to see her. Like a mom with a new baby, I was sleeping light and I was so glad to know she was feeling less stressed, I let her know she was very much welcome. I got up this morning a little early and she followed me around...I had to be careful where I walked because she was right at my feet! I fixed my tea and then sat in my chair, turned on the news and up she hopped to get some more hugs and pets. I will be leaving in an hour and a half for work and she will have the run of the house, all to herself. I know she will do fine. And when I come home, I'll sit in the chair and we can cuddle all over again. Thank you so much for allowing me to provide a home for Meer cat aka Sarah. I'm not sure I will change her name. I'm kind of getting used to Meer cat! Sincerely, Peggy


Mikey and his new family in February 2012!


Maia has recovered nicely from her drug-exposed puppy-hood, and she really only bobbles her head when she's really tired. She loves her people!


Mari (right) and her adopted friend

Mr. Winters

Found his forever home on Saturday, February 6, 2010!

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